More Work in the Process of Being Uploaded!

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Michigan the Great Lakes State Activity Book
This is a illustration that I drew and created in Adobe Illustrator a activity book that I created from stratch. The theme for the book was Michigan the Greate Lake State. I created and edited the puzzles, pictures, and graphics in Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop.
Smoke & Flames Food Truck Poster
This is a graphic design poster for a mock up food truck company I created called Smoke & Flames BBQ & Grill. I put the layout together in Adobe InDesign and edited the photos through Adobe Photoshop and the vector graphics through Adobe Illustrator.
Samaritan;s Purse Promotion Poster
This is a graphic design poster for a fake promotion poster for Smaritian's Purse. This poster was created for educational purposes and is in no way actually used by Samaritan's Purse. I put the layout together in Adobe InDesign and edited the photos through Adobe Photoshop and the vector graphics through Adobe Illustrator.